Mar 24, 2008

Maddi died...

I have no clue why... she was acting strangely... but I have no clue why, and now she's dead. She was totally my best fish - total brat, but definitely had the most personality out of the bunch. I knew it was too much of a risk to put her in the sorority. I don't think she got killed by the others - she was the alpha - internal parasites, maybe? That's what I'm treating the tank for for now. None of the others are clamped or acting strangely yet, which were the only symptoms she showed.

So... ya... I think I'm going to carve her a little tomb stone decoration that'll go in my sorority tank. She deserves it. It's not like I haven't lost other fish before, and I do get upset over the others... but this was Maddi! I don't think I'll ever find another like her...

Anyways, using Jungle medicated fish food and aquarisol on the tank right now, going to try and find some Maracyn later...

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